Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Assignments 9/25/07

Explain the relationship between the following sets of terms

1. monomer, polymer

2. amino acid, peptide bond, protein

3. monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide

4. hydophobic, hydropohilic

5. nucleotide, nucleic acid, RNA

Answer the following questions

1. How does the polarity of water give it unique properties that make it essential to life

2. What factor determines the shape of a protein

3. How do lipids store energy efficiently

4. How does the carboxyl end of the fatty acid molecule differ from the hydrocarbon end of the molecule

http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/biochemistry.html Do the large molecules problem set

Resources, readings, and videos

http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Biology/7-012Fall-2004/VideoLectures/, biochemistry lectures


http://webcast.berkeley.edu/stream.php?type=real&webcastid=14260, Biopolymers: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids

http://www.biologymad.com/, go to the sitemap, biochemistry section


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